
Posts Tagged ‘Serenity’

Deep Destinations

Do you ever feel like you are always living in next week….or next month?

Lately I have been noticing how much of my day is spent thinking, planning, and making arrangements for future occasions.

Nothing wrong with that – unless it interferes with being present to the moments at hand.

Continually getting ahead of myself definitely diverts me from the now.

My determined efforts to be, rather than to do, still prove to be a continual challenge.

How funny that just “being” takes a modicum of effort – and yet my mind can spin for hours on planning, and decisions?

We’ve all head about staycations, where time is spent at home, or doing things locally. Diverting from our usual routines can be restorative, and helpful in increasing our appreciation for each other, and where we live.

What would a praycation look like?

Doesn’t take much effort to plan one.

The thought of setting aside a day, an hour – or even minutes –  where my resting-place is with God, feels like a warm rain washing over me.

And just think…no need to vacillate about what clothes to pack, what route to take, or where to stay. Or how much the cost will be!

Going deep, in terms of water, is not one of my most favorite things.

My one scuba diving adventure did not bode well, as I inadvertently doubled up an antihistamine and sucked most of the air out of my tank early on, resulting in panic.

But…diving in to God’s living waters is oh so inviting.

Wonder what a promotional piece for a praycation would look like?

Images of the underwater world are spectacular – a riot of colors and an incredible array of sea life.

What visual image can convey stillness of mind and peacefulness of heart?

The calm mental waters that result from intentional prayer time remain deep within, and build serenity and strength with each encounter with God – who so desires us to choose life with Him as a destination.

I’m taking the plunge.

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.~Colossians 4:2 NLT







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